Miss Pretend you are so sweet to say I’m doing my job well. And you said it just like Shaquille O’Neal often said, “I’m short and to the point.”
Do you know, All mammal males live longer than the female, with one exception. Drum roll… Humans. How can that be? ? ? (I’ll tell you later, It is true but it’s a secret) But men are superior physically, mentally etc, right? NO, look closer. When the male gets a little sick we (opps, they) become thumb suckers. Seinfeld is right, All babies are cute. However Pinocchio was also correct the male nose never stops growing. I think it’s because when we (opps again, they) lie we hold our breath and the bridge of our nose grows. OK, I have a big nose but I also have a big head (in more ways than one) so it sort of balances out. Every man will admit, we love to watch women walk. A female pelvis is 1 cm wider to give birth. Men mostly stumble along. High heels were invented by insecure kings but we can’t walk in them because men have poor balance. Proof, Women of all ages stand with their feet together. Men as they age spread their feet further apart, and die of trip and falls. Never is it on a death certificate because we don’t want the secret out. Therefore physically it’s all a sham. And mentally, men are all terrified by smart women, (well not me of course). Look at how you converse. You make me feel like a little boy, my cup of youth runneth over. Words you use show I’m double your age. Fortunately I invented the fountain of immaturity. Trump clearly sees all this. His 1st and 3rd wife are identical, he made a mistake. Wow, a man admits he made a mistake. And we all see John Adams was correct. “If you don’t put the worst in jail, they will keep doing it.” Look at a former banana republic, Guatemala. They put a pres and vice in jail. Who deserves jail more, hill and Billary? With your sense of the fragileness of civilization we need your help. Obviously you aren’t a lib, you are without hatred. You can’t get in unless you drip with hate, right?