Hey all. I really think it’s time we stop hating on and investigating KingSusiePen for real. I know that sounds sus, and so does the following explanation, but please hear me out. Like I said, she’s only a high-school-aged teen and more autistic than I am, so we do not need to go brutal on her. On top of that, she has probably already changed her ways, and is no longer the vore-loving weirdo she was, nor does she want to be associated with her past behavior. In fact, I’ve been drawing requests for one of her alts, u/SpiritHorse97, and pretty much 95% of them has nothing to do with snakes or snakes eating people at all. Now here’s the most important reason I wanna talk to you about: She has been sending me all the episodes of the second part of Big Nate Season 1 as a reward for drawing her requests. My desperate search is finally over! She is pretty much my last hope for me getting new Big Nate episodes, and I don’t wanna get that hope taken away by the possibility of her account getting banned by people like you accusing her of being something she insists she’s not. She has told me the truth, and I believe her. And while this drawing-episode exchange might not be legal, it’s the best for both of us. I wish I could show you proof by sending the new episodes, but of course I won’t. I wanna respect people’s work, and I don’t wanna get the subreddit and Discord server terminated and, worst-case scenario, get us all tracked down and arrested by the FBI. All I could do is write this lengthy post and hope it convinces you. So please, leave KSP, or at least u/SpiritHorse97, alone, so I can get more of the new episodes from her. Let her get what she wants and let me get what I so desperately want. Thanks for reading! (I’ll copy this message into a post on the subreddit, if the feedback is positive and u/SpiritHorse97 lets me do so)