**Establishing shots of a Pizza Hut**

***\[A man looking at the menu with his friends around him\]***

Friend 1 – *notices the waiter behind the protagonist* **whispers**: hey watch it

Protagonist – *turns around* “hey can I have a cheeseburger?”

***\[The whole friend group starts laughing\]***

Waiter – *smirks* Cheeseburger? Sure!

 ***A loud noise is heard outside, the nukes went off,*** it is mere seconds before the restaurant is reduced to ashes.

With not even the time for a scream, \[Protagonist\] sees half his skin torn away

No one around him moves

A quick look reveals the since iconic skyline of New York to have become nothing but a red blinding light

He struggles to walk, gets to the street to see a child with the lifeless body of her mother in her hands

He gets up to her, asks her “hey can I have a cheeseburger”

She answers “Cheeseburger? sure.”