I’m posting this because of a toxic trend I’ve noticed on this subreddit. Someone will inquire about an adult mod, and there’s immediately people in the comments shaming them and telling them how weird they are. I used to be a lot like you, so if that’s how you feel about adult mods, please read. This might change your perspective.

Why do people play games? I think for two reasons. The first is escapism, and the second is because it allows you to emulate things you wouldn’t be able to experience in real life, or at least experience things in a low risk way. Would you shame someone for playing a farming simulator? No, you wouldn’t. “but a sex mod is different!” you’re thinking right now “how is it even comparible?”

As humans, all of us experience sexuality. It’s a part of life. But there’s a real issue of being shamed for embracing that. Why? We all experience it. Why should anyone feel bad for exploring the sexual side of themselves? You’re fine with them pretending to be an assassin that kills indiscriminately, but not downloading a mod that lets them have sex? If you are reading this and you download adult mods: you are not strange. These people are often projecting because of their own insecurities. For example, I always felt I had to hide my sexuality excessively growing up, so I lashed out at anyone who didn’t because I felt it unfair. Hopefully reading this will make some people realize they’re making the same mistake.

I really love this subreddit and this community, it’s brought me a lot of joy in the past few months. But I think we need to reconsider how toxic we can be sometimes.